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We believe in protecting your assets from the courts, the federal government and long-term care facilities.

Who We Work With:

We specialize in working with cooperative retirees or soon to be retirees who need help with the planning of $500,000 or more of retirement assets.

We work with electric cooperative retirees and retirees in general that are interested in their retirement options outside of what their company or cooperative/NRECA offers.

Your company or cooperative/NRECA may offer great retirement benefits. What they don't offer you is a plan on how to maximize those benefits based on your unique retirement goals. That's what we do.

Our retirement planning process can help you:

  • Increase your income to offset inflation

  • Manage your investments in a way that supports your plan

  • Protect your assets from the government, the courts and long-term care facilities

  • Minimize your Federal & State tax liability

  • Identify any other retirement goals you have

Click Here to schedule your retirement consultation

The consultation is free and without obligation.